Easthall Park Housing Co-operative is a community controlled housing organisation based in Easterhouse, Glasgow.
We were formed in 1992 when we became landlord of 161 tenanted former Glasgow City Council properties.
Over the years, we have increased our stock portfolio through building new homes and successful stock transfers, where tenants have voted for Easthall Park to become their new landlord. We presently own and manage 750 homes.
The aim of the website is to outline what we do and why we exist, providing our tenants and partners with helpful information and advice.
We have historically defined ourselves as being more than a housing provider, managing and co-ordinating the delivery of a wide range of community activities, as well providing traditional landlord management and maintenance services.
Accordingly the purpose of the organisation is “making a difference to our community”.
We were delighted that the purpose of the organisation and the services we provide have been recognised with various awards such as:
- Investors in People Platinum Award 2025 - 2022 (first achieved in 2016)
- Scotlands Best Employer (not for profit) Business Insider Award 2017
- Small social landlord of the year Housing Excellence award 2015
- Small social landlord of the year Chartered Institute of Housing and Inside Housing UK 2013

Refurbished Homes in Easthall

Glenburn Centre - The hub of community and housing services within Easthall and Kildermorie

Easthall Park Mitie Apprentice

Easthall Park Gala Day

New build property in Kildermorie

Carbon Trust award with Fergus Ewing MSP

Easthall Park Wind Turbines

Easthall Park and two MITIE apprentices

Previous Summer Programmes

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Bursary Awards

Santa Claus in his Grotto

Easthall FC football team

Chloe Cuthill, Easthall Park, participating in the SFHA apprentice challenge

Chloe Cuthill, Easthall Park, participating in the SFHA apprentice challenge

Investors in Young People good practice award 2014

Investors in Young People good practice award 2014

Easthall dance class 2014

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Easthall school summer programme 2014

Easthall school summer programme 2014

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Student Bursary Award Winners

Social landlord of the Year 2015

Director Receiving social landlord of the Year Award

Scotlands Best Employer Awards 2017

The Glenburn Centre Community Garden

Glenburn Centre Community Garden

Commonwealth Games at the Glenburn Park

Old Kildermorie

New Kildermorie

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